Thursday, November 27, 2008

Just Think About the Time..

It was 22.30...quite night when I was still in front of computer,, learned How Flash could attract me tonight..
Yup,, I was busy with Macromedia Flash ..and before that I was busy because of "a must to do" thing as I'm a student ^^
And at 23.13 I was thinking of my day, my whole time in ada y... and asking my self How I could arrange my time for the next days...
That's absolutely because I love doing many things. I love reading, I love writing, I love blogging, but besides that I must try hard for my study, I must do the homeworks, I must be concentrated for my part time job, then last but not least, I must keep my room clean and comfortable, I must wash my clothes ( yaaa you can say I must do all of the householdchores ^^) and the most priority to do is take pray and everything which has the relationship between me and Allah SWT (GOD)...
If I think how many are my activities,,I would be frustrated... (not really^^)
But, NO, I DOn't !! I love doing all of them with my wholeheartly... slowly but sure,, tired but happy...
So, The point is Live your Life, be patient, be happy, and be the best...

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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Influence of "Magic Box" to Children

If in Doraemon’s world we meet magic pocket,, then in human world we meet “Magic Box” or Television. This kind of electronic is so popular and everyone have at least one TV in their house. TV can be entertaining and educational, and can open up new worlds for kids, giving them a chance to travel the globe, learn about different cultures, and gain exposure to ideas they may never encounter in their own. But TV
doesn’t always give the benefit to us. It also has the bad effect, especially for children. A regional study which is followed by children in Canada, Australia, America, and Indonesia about waching TV, got an interesting result. Indonesian Children spend more time in watching TV than children in America, Australia, than Canada. From the data in 2002, the sum of children’s watching TV in Indonesia is approximately 30-35 hours/week or 1560-1820 hours/year. This number is much more higher than time to study in elementary school which doesn’t reach 1000 hours/year.

Watching television has several bad effects to children. The bad effects are :

Influence the brain growth of the children (0-3 years) by disturbing in building the speak, verbal-read, and the understanding

Motivate children to be consumptive
Advertisers target kids, and on average, children see tens of thousands of TV commercials each year. This includes many ads for unhealthy snack foods and drinks. then the children could be consumptive.

Influence children attitude
Children who spend much time watching TV but they haven’t had a high critical think, will be influenced by what TV shows. They could think that everybody in around them has the same characteristic as people in television. This can influence children attitude and can be affected until they become adults.

Reduce their spirit to study
The programs which are shown in television has simple and attracting language. It can make children addicted, so it is so possible that children become lazy to study
Form a simple way in the way of thinking  Too often watch tv and never want to read can cause the children have a simple and uncritical in the way of they thinking. And it can influence children’s imagination, intelligence, creativity, and the cognitive growth.

Increase the risk of becoming obesity
University of Michigan researchers found that just being awake and in the room with the TV on more than two hours a day was a risk factor for being overweight at ages three and four-and-a-half. Children who watch TV are more likely to be inactive and tend to snack while watching TV. TV time also takes away from participating in sports so children have less body movement, decrease the body metabolic activity,fat becomes over in the body that isn’t burned then the body becomes obesity

Get lots of information about sexuality from television

There are a lot of sexual content which are shown when children watch TV. But, they aren’t accompanied by their parents. Unfortunately, children always want to know more, and they can possibly follow or try what they see. In result, as we see nowadays that many teens start having sex at younger ages.

By looking at the fact, we should think first if your children want to watch TV. And it will be better if we try to reduce the frequency of watching TV. Then, how??

Go to town library or nearest book store

Try to make children to like reading by going to the library or buying some books for them in a bookstore. Sometimes,parents may read a story for them and don’t forget to ask children to tell again what the story told.
Television sometimes make us far away from nature. So, children can learn something from nature.. and gardening would be a good choice. We can start from simple thing by planting flower by themselves, and teaching how to keep it. Parents can teach many things and teach the children to be responsible
kids love playing,,and there are varies kinds of toys now

Walking around
Jit is simple and easy..walking around neighborhood so that the children are not getting bored.

Swimming , Biking, and Doing Sport
these three activities can make the children’s body become it and healthy. If children don’t like to bike or do some sport, swimming is the best choice because kids love playing in water

Go to the Zoo or Museum

There are few activities that help the children reduce their time in front of TV. Actually, there are still many things that parents and children can do to reduce “time for TV”,, but the point is always give all the best for children for brighter futue..^^

References :
“Pengaruh Nonton TV pada Anak-Anak” in
“Waspada Pengaruth TV pada Anak”

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Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Coffee or Tea,,Which One Do You Prefer??

Coffee and tea are two kinds of drink that are very familiar in our daily life. they are enjoyed as drink by millions of people world-wide and has been for at least a thousand years. They have several same chemical components, such as caffeine, tannin, teobromin, etc. A cup of coffee has more caffeine component than in a cup of tea. Meanwhile, we can find high tannin in a cup of tea. But in this topic, we’re going to talk more about caffeine in both tea and coffee…
Caffeine was discovered in coffee in 1820. Caffeine is odorless, has a bitter taste and is highly soluble in hot water. Caffeine occurs naturally in coffee, tea, cocoa, kola nuts and a variety of other plants. Caffeine is an alkaloid that acts as a mild stimulant. It increases the blood pressure, stimulates the central nervous system and the action of the heart and lungs, and promotes urine formation. It also acts as a diuretic and delays fatigue1. Caffeine also increases dopamine. Dopamine activates the pleasure in parts of the brain. It has been suspected that this also contributes to caffeine addiction.
The amount of caffeine found in the coffee beans varies. On average, a regular cup of coffee contains approximately 90 to 150 mg of caffeine. Coffee brewed in a drip coffee maker has about 115 to 175 mg of caffeine while other coffee makers may brew coffee with about 80 to 135 mg. Typically, espresso has about as much caffeine as a regular cup of coffee. On average, a standard espresso cup would have about 100 mg of caffeine. However, the serving size for espresso is much smaller. The actual content of caffeine per milliliter in an espresso is much higher than in a regular brew. Also, caffeine is assimilated quicker when ingested in a concentrated dosage such as an espresso cup.
Then,, How much caffeine does a cup of tea contain?
The answer is” It depends”. There are two main variables that influence the caffeine content of a cup of tea: the type of leaf and the tea preparation method.
On average, tea leaves contain 3% caffeine by weight, although this can range from 1.4% to 4.5%. Many factors determine the caffeine content in the dry leaf, such as soil chemistry, altitude, type of tea plant, position of the leaf on the tea bush and cultivation practices. For example, the young bud and first leaf generally have slightly more caffeine than leaves picked from the lower part of the tea bush. The leaves from the small leaf China tea plant (Camellia sinensis) tend to have lower caffeine levels than the leaves from the large leaf Assam tea plant (Camellia assamica).
Next, how can preparation methods influence the amount of caffeine in a cup of tea?
There are many parameters that affect caffeine content such as the amount of leaf, the leaf particle size, water temperature and steeping time. For example, tea steeped in hot water for a longer time will release more of its caffeine than tea steeped with cooler water for a shorter period. A smaller leaf tea will release more of its caffeine than a larger leaf tea.

A Department of Nutritional Services report provides the following ranges of caffeine content for a cup of tea made with loose leaves:
Black Tea: 23 - 110 mg
Oolong Tea: 12 - 55 mg
Green Tea: 8 - 36 mg
White Tea: 6 – 25 mg
That was few knowledge about caffeine in tea and coffee..we can get the fact that caffeine isn,t really good for our healthy, because if we consume caffeine regularly, in the long run,our body can’t be reacted with adenosine. The result is caffeine can oppositely react the work path of adenosine.
But, if you really like the taste of coffee, you may decide to drink decaffeinated coffee. This way, you can still enjoy the great coffee taste, yet avoid the caffeine. Coffee can be "decaffeinated" by treating the green beans with solvents called chlorinated hydrocarbons. Once the solvents are removed, the beans are then roasted by ordinary procedures. Most people become accustomed to decaffeinated coffee and do not have to worry about the effects of caffeine.
How about tea? It also has caffeine..
Yup,, that,s right,, but the amount of caffeine is not so high as in a cup of coffee. But if you are sensitive to caffeine, we recommend using a little less leaf and brewing your teas with slightly cooler water for a shorter period of time. Green, white and lightly oxidized oolong teas are good choices, as they tend to benefit from lower water temperatures and shorter steeping times.

Since nearly 80% of the caffeine will be extracted within 30 seconds of steeping, you can easily remove most of the caffeine in any tea by following these guidelines: Steep the tea in hot water for 45 seconds. Discard the liquid. Then, add water to the leaves and brew for the amount of time that is appropriate for that particular tea.
The point is eat everything moderately and adequately,,do exercise,, and think positively,, then enjoy your healthy life..!!

References :
1.Anonym. 2007. Coffee and Health. Accessed in
2.Anonym, 2007. Tea and Caffeine. accessed in
3.Gestl, Jon. 2007. Coffee, Caffeine, and Fitness. accessed in
4.Math, 2008. Coffee Caffeine : How Much in Your Cup?. accessed in

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Friday, November 14, 2008

Beli Asli atau Bajakan??

Baca,,baca,, dan baca...
yang hobi baca? banyak...
yang 'harus' baca saat ujian?? ya siswa n mahasiswa dong,,^^

by the way,, sebenarnya topik saya arahnya ke buku. terutama buku-buku bajakan yang banyak beredar. Fenomena ini sebenarnya baru saya (penulis-red) jumpai ketika mahasiswa,,yah..maksudnya dari tahun pertama sampai sekarang...yaitu 'tradisi beli buku bajakan' di kalangan mahasiswa. Dulu, sewaktu TK-SMA belum pernah tahu yang namanya buku bajakan,,

Alhasil,, ketika harus beli buku saat kuliah (tahun pertama) di suatu tempat yang dirahasiakan^_^,, saya kira buku-buku yang dijual asli semua...namanya juga buku pegangan kuliah. dan baru saya ketahui 'kepalsuannya' ketika ada seorang teman yang bertanya "Buku ini asli apa palsu? harganya berapa nih?" dan dengan pede nya saya menjawab "asli lah..masak iya palsu. harganya 20 ribu"
sesaat teman saya tadi terkekeh "masak 20 ribu asli! palsu nih,, kelihatan banget,, hologram tanda aslinya juga nggak ada. Buku ini kalau yang asli harganya 40 ribu-an"

waduh,, malunya...

Mengenai bajak-membajak, entah itu membajak film, kaset, atau buku (kecuali pak tani membajak sawah lho..) jika dilihat secara hukum jelas salah... namun,, pandangan dari kalangan masyarakat berbeda.. ada yang setuju ada yang enggak. begitu pun di kalangan mahasiswa jika ditanya masalah buku bajakan ini. sebagian nggak setuju,, tapi kebanyakan justru yang setuju.

Pasalnya,, hal ini disebabkan banyak alasan. di antaranya :

1. buku kuliah harganya mahal euy..padahal kita butuh untuk jadi pintar, so..nggak apa-apa lah.. (ini alasan paling nomor satu di kalangan mahasiswa)

2. kalau novel sih,, kalau bisa beli yang asli,, tapi kalau buku kuliah,, yang bajakan aja deh (wah, kalau ini saya bingung kenapa)

3. selama masih ada yang bajakan..kenapa harus beli yang asli (gubrak...prinsip ekonomi bangett)

Untuk yang menolak adanya Pembajakan buku pun memiliki alasan yang jelas, lugas, dan idealis...

Why ?? karena kelompok ini menganalogikan pembajakan ini dengan suatu bentuk mendzolimi pengarangnya..padahal mendzolimi orang lain kan dosa..gimana enggak??udah susah-susah pinter buat bisa menelurkan hasil bukunya diminati tapi yang bajakan ^^..terkecuali bagi penulis yang benar ingin menyumbangkan pikirannya bagi kemajuan bangsa (loh?)

Buku-buku kuliah kan kebanyakan mahal?? dengan 50 ribu bisa beli dua judul (tapi bajakan),, tapi dengan uang segitu belum tentu dapat 1 judul yang asli kan??

Dan kelompok ini menjawab " kan bisa fotocopy"

Nah lho,, itu juga membajak!

"Membajak : memperbanyak untuk komersil, nah kalau fotocopy untuk dipake sendiri kan enggak..lagipula nggak semua mesti difotocopy..hanya yang memang benar-benar tidak terjangkau atau memang bukunya langka"

Begitulah kira-kira pandangan mengenai pembajakan di negeri ini,,

Benar salah memang tergantung opini masing-masing,, Namun parameter yang seharusnya dijadikan pedoman dalam beropini adalah 'bagaimana hukumnya dalam agama' karena itu yang nantinya akan kita pertanggungjawabkan kelak...

Selamat Membaca !!

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Info Beasiswa


TAHUN AKADEMIK 2009 / 2010

Tanoto Foundation, yayasan yang memiliki kepedulian pada pengembangan sumber daya manusia Indonesia melalui bidang pendidikan, mengundang Mahasiswa S1 dan S2 yang berprestasi untuk bergabung dalam program beasiswa S1 dan S2. Program beasiswa diselenggarakan berlandaskan prinsip – prinsip kecakapan masing – masing pelamar tanpa memandang suku, agama, ras, gender serta menjunjung tinggi kebijakan non-diskriminatif.

Saat ini Tanoto Foundation menyediakan beasiswa kepada 300 mahasiswa S1 dan 50 mahasiswa S2, dari berbagai disiplin ilmu yang berasal dari enam Perguruan Tinggi mitra Tanoto Foundation yaitu :

• Universitas Indonesia
• Universitas Gadjah Mada
• Institut Teknologi Bandung
• Institut Pertanian Bogor
• Universitas Sumatera Utara
• Universitas Riau

• Formulir Pendaftaran S1
• Formulir Pendaftaran S2



1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Telah terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi mitra Tanoto Foundation
3. Usia maksimum 21 tahun di bulan Juli 2009
4. Minimum IPK = 3,00 ( skala 4,00 )
5. Bagi mereka yang baru duduk di tahun pertama Perguruan Tinggi, minimum nilai rata – rata raport kelas 3 SMU = 8,0 ( skala 10 )
6. Membutuhkan dukungan financial
7. Berjiwa kepemimpinan dan memiliki kepedulian serta komitmen untuk ikut memajukan bangsa Indonesia.
8. Melengkapi formulir pendaftaran yang diperoleh melalui website Tanoto Foundation
9. Bagi yang lulus seleksi Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation tidak diperbolehkan menerima Beasiswa dari institusi lain.


1. Warga Negara Indonesia
2. Telah terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa di Perguruan Tinggi mitra Tanoto Foundation
3. Usia maksimum 40 tahun pada bulan Juli 2009
4. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimum selama 2 tahun, setelah menyelesaikan program S1
5. Minimum IPK = 3,25 ( skala 4,00 )
6. Berjiwa kepemimpinan dan memiliki kepedulian serta komitmen untuk ikut memajukan bangsa Indonesia.
7. Melengkapi formulir pendaftaran yang diperoleh melalui website Tanoto Foundation
8. Bagi yang lulus seleksi Beasiswa Tanoto Foundation tidak diperbolehkan menerima Beasiswa dari institusi lain.




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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The GLObal WoRds

World really becomes hot everyday,,Yup, it's a global issue... It's Global Warming

Global warming is a phenomenon that the global temperature’s increased through years because of greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is caused by the increasing of gas emitition such as CO2, CH4, N2O, and CFC that makes the sun energy’s trapped in the atmosphere. Increasing greenhouse gas concentrations tend to warm the planet. And scientists know with virtual certainty that human activities are changing the composition of Earth's atmosphere or in another word is the human activities make worse.

So, everyone should participate to save our global warming,, prove your concern by doing this few tips!
- to turn on your monitor, wait few minutes after the CPU's turned on

- start to be familiar with walking and biking to go anywhere
- use paper in two sides,,when printing your works
- say no to plastic bags,, or you can bring another bags when you're shopping
- close the door and window while you turn on your air conditioner,, so you're not wasting the energy

Happy stop global warming!!^^
..."Do Little For a Great Thing"....

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Welcome to The Nut_Garden

Ow,, great!! Really excited have this blog!!

Why did I choose The "Nut_Garden"?? honestly it's because of Nut_Garden stands for Nutrition Garden. Then why must Nutrition Garden?? that was because I'm a student in nutrition major..,,by the way, it's just a name...coz i was really confusing tho think what the good name was appropriate for my blog..^^ and honestly,,that was the first came to my mind...^^

For the future, let me paint this blog with my words,, with my colourful experiences or my knowledge n opinion ‘bout something…i will try to write the best that I can do..hopefully, everyone can enjoy my blog…

but,, for I'm an Indonesian people,, the most articles would be presented in Indonesian, English (If I can^^),,and may be Javanese (as I'm a Javanese people)

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